while traveling around Europe, I definitely recommend staying at hostels (good ones), small boutique hotels or Airbnb. Hamburg is a cosmopolitan city with a lot of attractions, I like to walk so staying near train stations is the easier way to go because you have transportation nearby and restaurants, coffee places, pubs. I stayed at an A &O hostel in Hamburg City.
06 Dec 2017
Things To Do
Local Food
Traveling While Black
Hamburg is the beautiest city on earth! It’s my home town. You have to visit Hamburg! The Alster, Schanzenviertel & Reeperbahn. Pur Hotels are more than perfect! We have so much thinks here. We have a cosmopolitan city so everyone is welcome here! If you don’t visit Hamburg once in your life you are missing something really big in your life!!! Trust me.
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while traveling around Europe, I definitely recommend staying at hostels (good ones), small boutique hotels or Airbnb. Hamburg is a cosmopolitan city with a lot of attractions, I like to walk so staying near train stations is the easier way to go because you have transportation nearby and restaurants, coffee places, pubs. I stayed at an A &O hostel in Hamburg City.
Hamburg is the beautiest city on earth! It’s my home town. You have to visit Hamburg! The Alster, Schanzenviertel & Reeperbahn. Pur Hotels are more than perfect! We have so much thinks here. We have a cosmopolitan city so everyone is welcome here! If you don’t visit Hamburg once in your life you are missing something really big in your life!!! Trust me.