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black travelers
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how green book global works
(first black travel review site)
(first black travel review site)

We enable Black travelers to plan trips with confidence and less anxiety by providing user-generated travel insights from the Black perspective across 9 dimensions for cities all around the world.
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Search by destination to access travel tips from Black travelers, so you can travel the world safely.
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Share the good, the bad and the ugly of your travel experience to help other black travelers.
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Plan Safer Driving Routes in the USA as a Black Traveler
Avoid cities and identify legacy Sundown Towns that are not welcoming to Black Travelers or conversely add inclusive cities on to your route
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Find Cities with Highest Traveling While Black scores
Use our travel filters to find best cities for Traveling While Black, solo travel, and more based on city scores
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black travel made easy
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With every review you leave, the corresponding country is tracked in the digital travel map in your profile.
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