Andorra la Vella, Andorra

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Read travel tips for ANDORRA LA VELLA, ANDORRA from our amazing community of BLACK AND BROWN TRAVELERS that will help you find some of the best places to visit ANDORRA LA VELLA, ANDORRA Our variety of travel tips will definitely help you plan your next trip. Our tips range from best places to visit in ANDORRA LA VELLA, ANDORRA, affordability, nightlife, local food, where to stay and even what it is like Traveling While Black. Lastly, we are working diligently to create a comprehensive city guide for ANDORRA LA VELLA, ANDORRA. Stay tuned! But in the meantime, scroll down to read tips below!


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4)Existing City Guides – Check out the below city guides to inspire your next trip.  Some guides require membership so Register today (don’t worry it is free99).

a) Havana, Cuba (Members Only)
b) Venice, Italy
c) Bali, Indonesia (Members Only)
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e) Sydney, Australia
f) Cartagena,Colombia (Members Only)
g) Dutchess County New York (Beacon/Poughkeepsie)



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 out of 2 reviews
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Traveling While Black

2 Reviews

  1. author
    12 Jan 2020
    Things To Do
    Local Food
    Traveling While Black

    My review will be short. I traveled here after taking in the New Year in Barcelona. I came to Andorra to snowboard. Hung out in the town of El Pas de la Casa. The vibe was great. Alcohol was cheap. The snowboarding was good. Snowboarded at Grandvilira. I would recommend it for a d ay and half trip up from Barca or down from France to say you’ve been there and snowboard. Don’t forget to buy some alcohol for the low!

    Traveling while black: No issues. Most people were there to enjoy themselves with the main focus was being snowboarding and drinking at the bar.

  2. author
    12 Dec 2017
    Things To Do
    Local Food
    Traveling While Black

    I didn’t spend a lot of time in Andorra since it’s one of the smallest countries in Europe and the world. I spent about an hour and a half in the capitol and I wasn’t too impressed. There is a lot of shopping but that is due to Andorra being a tax haven country and with duty free shopping. I did enjoy the snow capped mountains and the scenery of Andorra.

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