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Read travel tips for Montenegro from our amazing community of BLACK AND BROWN TRAVELERS that will help you find some of the best places to visit Montenegro. Our variety of travel tips will definitely help you plan your next trip. Our tips range from best places to visit in Montenegro, affordability, nightlife, local food, where to stay and even what it is like Traveling While Black. Lastly, we are working diligently to create a comprehensive city guide for Montenegro. Stay tuned! But in the meantime, scroll down to read tips below!


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g) Dutchess County New York (Beacon/Poughkeepsie)



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 out of 1 review
Things To Do
Local Food
Traveling While Black

One Review

  1. author
    19 Oct 2021
    Things To Do
    Local Food
    Traveling While Black

    I visited Montenegro on a day trip from Croatia in July 2021.

    It’s about a 10 hour day trip. And you pass through Bosnia on the way in. The borders in this part of the world are interesting and on the way back, we got stuck for 3 hours at the border and did not get back to our hotel until 10 pm. So pack your patience.

    First stop in Montenegro was a small seaside town of Perast, where we chartered a boat to visit Our Lady of the Rocks a small island off of Montenegro. It’s beautiful. The water is this gorgeous turquoise.

    From there we visited Kotor, which is a fortified city. You pay a small fee to enter and then once inside you’re met with sites and sounds. We tried to grab a bite, but the waitstaff took forever and only gave us water after nearly 20 minutes, while serving others that arrived after us, so we got up and left. We definitely got some stares and felt a bit out of place. It was also extremely hot, like 98 degrees, so it was uncomfortable walking around.

    Our last stop was Budva, another seaside town. The closest comparison I have is Atlantic City. The beaches are nice. But there is a lot of construction that is just incomplete, so it looks unfinished. Here we finally got to eat, so we grabbed a bite at a nice seaside restaurant, recommended by our guide. The food was authentic Mediterranean, but they had Goulash, which I hadn’t had since I was in Budapest. So, in 98 degree weather I ate goulash and Greek salad and it was delicious!

    Montenegro is nice, but I wouldn’t go longer than a day. We just didn’t feel comfortable and didn’t see people that looked like us.

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