Amsterdam is a very nice city, with great local transportation, sites and historical buildings. Some of the nicest European people in comparison to other larger countries. Laid back Norther European country, fairly affordable with a nice nightlife. A good amount of English speakers as well. Club scene is fair and usually something to do every day of the week. “Supper club” is the main club which is high end and you’d see the local Artists or Athletes, and boujee ladies hang out. My preference!
Capital was a nice city. Large and partially developed due to the large population (19 Million). Giza is the main attraction here with the pyramids directly outside of the city. 3rd world vibe with 19million very active Arabs. Black friendly but not entirely. They will try and hustle you for everything. In particular if you visit the pyramids they offer guides, horses, camels, etc. they will attempt to charge 400+ Egyptian pounds but let me tell you, 200 is the most you actually should have to pay. And that’s generous. It’s a great city if you don’t mind bargaining or being upcharged a little for services.
Hurgada was a nice city. Nice because it is sitting on the Red Sea and they have many all inclusive hotels for very cheap there. “Sunny Days” is the name of the all inclusive hotel in which we stayed. The city is Small and not yet fully developed so do not expect many things to do as far as nightlife. Black friendly but not entirely. Knowing your a tourist, They will try and hustle you for everything as far as tourist goods and services. While there, remember everything has a bargain price. Shop around before making tourist purchases! The same head scarf i bought at the hotel was 500 Egyptian pounds.. it sold on the street for 20 EP
Amsterdam is a very nice city, with great local transportation, sites and historical buildings. Some of the nicest European people in comparison to other larger countries. Laid back Norther European country, fairly affordable with a nice nightlife. A good amount of English speakers as well. Club scene is fair and usually something to do every day of the week. “Supper club” is the main club which is high end and you’d see the local Artists or Athletes, and boujee ladies hang out. My preference!
Capital was a nice city. Large and partially developed due to the large population (19 Million). Giza is the main attraction here with the pyramids directly outside of the city. 3rd world vibe with 19million very active Arabs. Black friendly but not entirely. They will try and hustle you for everything. In particular if you visit the pyramids they offer guides, horses, camels, etc. they will attempt to charge 400+ Egyptian pounds but let me tell you, 200 is the most you actually should have to pay. And that’s generous. It’s a great city if you don’t mind bargaining or being upcharged a little for services.
Hurgada was a nice city. Nice because it is sitting on the Red Sea and they have many all inclusive hotels for very cheap there. “Sunny Days” is the name of the all inclusive hotel in which we stayed. The city is Small and not yet fully developed so do not expect many things to do as far as nightlife. Black friendly but not entirely. Knowing your a tourist, They will try and hustle you for everything as far as tourist goods and services. While there, remember everything has a bargain price. Shop around before making tourist purchases! The same head scarf i bought at the hotel was 500 Egyptian pounds.. it sold on the street for 20 EP