Anna, Illinois (Sundown Town)

Anna, Illinois Sundown Town


Quick History of Anna, Illinois as a Sundown Town:

Anna, Illinois gained notoriety as a sundown town particularly in the early to mid-20th century. The term “sundown town” originates from signs that were reportedly posted at the town’s entrances warning African Americans to leave before sundown. While specific records of such signs may be scarce, oral histories and testimonies from former residents and visitors have documented instances of racial discrimination and hostility towards African Americans in Anna.

The practice of excluding African Americans from residing or staying overnight in sundown towns like Anna was part of a broader pattern of racial segregation and discrimination across the United States during the Jim Crow era. These practices were not limited to the South but extended into Northern and Midwestern states as well.


Recent Events of Anna, Illinois:

In recent years, efforts have been made in Anna and other communities with similar histories to acknowledge and address this troubling past. This includes community discussions, historical research, and initiatives aimed at promoting racial reconciliation and inclusivity.


Green Book Global’s goal is to document legacy sundown towns in the USA and highlight the impact they have had on destinations. Additionally, we leverage our travel community to share personal recommendations and warnings to show how welcoming cities are to Black travelers.  We are continuing the work of the History of Local Justice started by Jame Loewen at Tougaloo College. Below, you will see reviews from Black Travelers who have gone to Vidor Texas.


Want to learn more about sundown towns?  Click this link for a list of sundown towns in the USA.

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