Warsaw, Poland

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Read travel tips for Warsaw, Poland from our amazing community of BLACK AND BROWN TRAVELERS that will help you find some of the best places to visit Warsaw, Poland. Our variety of travel tips will definitely help you plan your next trip. Our tips range from best places to visit in Warsaw, Poland, affordability, nightlife, local food, where to stay and even what it is like Traveling While Black. Lastly, we are working diligently to create a comprehensive city guide for Warsaw Tours . Stay tuned! But in the meantime, scroll down to read tips below!


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g) Dutchess County New York (Beacon/Poughkeepsie)



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 out of 3 reviews
Things To Do
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Traveling While Black

3 Reviews

  1. author
    02 Oct 2019
    Traveling While Black
    Things To Do
    Local Food
    Traveling While Black

    Poland is a country very rich in history as you know they were hit hard by the Hilter regime etc. They are very proud people and pride themselves of being Polish as people always group them under Russia, this pride is why they also not very found of the idea of having many immigrants in their country, they don’t want to become a France that’s filled with the “immigrate problem” so sometimes you feel this in how you are treated. To be fair I went for work and the people I worked with were far from this but its when I stepped outside of the office amongst the real people were I felt those stares like those what are you doing here type of stares. The Polish people I worked with also informed me about how some Polish people can be discriminative. One example is Me and my team (a blonde girl, a blonde guy and myself) went out for dinner and it was snowing cats and dogs so we decided to catch a cab, I stood waving for the cab and they literally all passed me, then I stood back as I am pretty sure we all knew what was happening but its awkward to bring it up. My other blonde colleague waved the taxi and an old Polish taxi driver stopped and let us in. This happened quite often. This shouldn’t put you off travelling to Poland just to e aware and hey maybe you might not even experience it but just to stay woke of this if you travelling while black!

  2. author
    09 Nov 2018
    Traveling While Black
    Things To Do
    Local Food
    Traveling While Black

    There isn’t much to do in Warsaw but the architecture in Old Town is a sight to see. I wasn’t amazed by the food, mostly after being traumatized by a “beef tartare” that came out looking like straight uncooked ground beef. I did have a unique “traveling while black” experience while walking around the city, I noticed that a few people would look back at me after they passed by… Sort of a “did you see that” type of reaction… and I think I only saw one other black person my whole time there (4days) and that was at the hotel. But other than a few elongated stares from people on the street there wasn’t much racial tension.

  3. author
    24 Jan 2018
    Local Food
    Things To Do
    Local Food
    Traveling While Black

    I only stopped in Warsaw for half a day really because I missed my flight to Krakow (tend to miss flights a lot!).
    It wasn’t my favourite city if I’m honest, I went in February so it was collddd which probably didn’t help but I went with a friend and we were subject to many stares and looks (which I wasn’t used to back then). I do think it’s because we didn’t ‘blend’ wwell with the demographics of the city but OH WELL, the people aren’t as friendly as other cities I’ve visited.
    I also in particular remember the food whilst in Poland. It is not a cuisine I would recommend to anyone. Everything was a bit bland although there were loads of choices.
    I was only there for half a day so don’t really have much to say about Warsaw, however I;ve heard the night life is great there.

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