Chefchaouen (Blue City), Morocco

 out of 13  reviews

Chefchaouen Reviews: Honest Truths from Black Travelers


Green Book Global is the  only website and app that has authentic Chefchaouen reviews  from the perspective of Black Travelers. If you want to know where to stay, where to eat, what to do etc. but also what it’s like Traveling While Black in Chefchaouen, then these reviews and travel tips will be essential to your trip planning for Black Travelers and allies alike.


Quick Summary:

Chefchaouen reviews frequently highlight the town’s enchanting blue-washed streets and serene atmosphere. Nestled in the Rif Mountains of northern Morocco, Chefchaouen is divided into several distinct areas. The Medina, or old town, is the heart of Chefchaouen, characterized by its narrow, winding alleys, blue-painted buildings, and vibrant souks. This area is perfect for leisurely exploration, offering numerous artisan shops selling traditional crafts, textiles, and jewelry. Beyond the Medina, the newer part of the city provides a more modern experience, with various amenities and accommodations catering to tourists. The town’s picturesque setting, with views of the surrounding mountains, adds to its charm and tranquility.

When it comes to nightlife, Chefchaouen reviews tend to emphasize the town’s more subdued and relaxed vibe compared to Morocco’s larger cities. Nightlife here is typically centered around cozy cafes and traditional music venues where locals and visitors can enjoy live performances of Andalusian and Berber music. Culinary delights in Chefchaouen are plentiful, with a range of Moroccan dishes such as tagine, couscous, and freshly baked bread available in the local restaurants. For relaxation, many Chefchaouen reviews recommend visiting the Ras El Maa waterfall, located just a short walk from the Medina, where you can enjoy the natural beauty and peaceful ambiance. The combination of cultural richness, scenic beauty, and a relaxed atmosphere makes Chefchaouen a must-visit destination in Morocco.


Interesting Facts:

  • Blue Walls: Chefchaouen is famous for its blue-painted buildings. While the exact reason for the blue hue is debated, theories include it keeping mosquitoes away, representing the sky and heaven, or being introduced by Jewish refugees in the 1930s.
  • Founded in 1471: The town was founded in 1471 by Moulay Ali Ben Moussa Ben Rached El Alami as a fortress to fight the Portuguese invasions of northern Morocco.
  • Hiking Destination: Chefchaouen is a gateway to the Rif Mountains, offering numerous hiking and trekking opportunities. The nearby Talassemtane National Park is a popular destination for nature lovers.


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 out of 13 reviews
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13 Reviews

  1. author
    09 Sep 2020
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    Traveling While Black

    First off Morocco itself is pretty affordable but if you go to the Blue City, the food, activities, and souvenirs are even cheaper. However, the selection of things to buy is more limited when compared to the souks in Marrakech.

    To get to Chefchaouen it is typical that you would take a tour bus/van of some sort from Marrakech. Well I wanted to live on the wild side and got a rental car and a wild ride it was. I got pulled over literally 2 minutes after I left the rental car agency. Morocco literally has the worst speed traps I think I’ve ever seen. It literally will down go from 80 KPH, to 50 KPH to 25 KPH in a matter of 50 meters. I got hipped to the game but STILL got pulled over again on my way back lol ‍♂️. In both situation they were expecting bribes so I did as expected but all in all it was about 20-30 USD for both pay offs. But still had me shook tho.

    Once you get to the Blue City after taking the 4/5 hour drive..the city is amazing. Much slower paced, relaxing, romantic all in one. We got some dope photos taken for our one year anniversary with Mahmoud using Air BnB experiences (he was just ok but we had good vision) had the best Chicken Tagine in Morocco with Rhani (another Airbnb Experience). I mean the BEST!! Morocco is beautiful country with so many different flavors but Chefchaouen is unique gem of a city that you have to find some time to visit if you go to Morocco

  2. author
    25 Jan 2020
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    Traveling While Black

    Chefchaouen (The Blue City) is a magical city! When traveling to Morocco there are obvious destinations like Casablanca & Marrakech, but the Blue City is a must see. Everything was super cheap, the people are friendly and the town is beautiful. Chechaouen itself is a medium sized town with the Spanish Mosque, hotels and lots of shops. But nestled within is the medina which is 85% blue and full of local food and tons of photos oops. There are a few hotels and riads in the medina, but I’d definitely recommend AIRBNB for your trip. We stayed for two nights for less than $100 ( Two nights is really all you need as there isn’t a whole lot to do. We filled our days exploring the Medina, eating, visiting the Kasbah historical site and taking pictures. There are also tours that offer visits to the waterfalls outside of the blue city. One tip if you’re a drinker, bring some liquor because it’s hard to find in this quaint town. Only two places have a bar (Hotel
    Parador and Oum Rabie) and there are no liquor stores. For relaxation, great food and dope pictures it’s worth the visit. Best advice on getting there is a cheap ticket on the CTM bus or from Tangier or Fes or a private taxi company from Tangier which is the closest big city. Enjoy!

  3. author
    25 Aug 2019
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    I came across this gem of a city when doing my research on all the big cities in Morocco. Most people focus on Marrakesh, Fes, Casablanca and Tangier, but we decided to take a detour to Chefchaouen. A spread in Vogue might have also peaked my interest.

    If staying in Fes or Tangier, there are multiple day tours to the Blue city. We opted for the 8 hour cab ride from Marrakesh, and it was definitely worth the journey.
    We booked our cab through about two months in advance (not necessary) and opted to have the entire cab to ourselves. ($200 usd pp definitely the pricier option).

    Total Taxi: $400 usd (3892 mad)

    We decided to spend two nights at the Dar Jasmine ( located towards the top of the mountain overlooking the city. Our stay included breakfast daily and included the option to add a 3-course dinner for an additional 200 mad pp(about $19 usd).

    Total accommodation w/ food: $380 usd (3697 mad)

    While here we explored the the Médina which is an five minute cab away, indulged in yummy Tanjine with lamb, enjoyed the sunset and a few photo shoots. The only one off for us was that it was Ramadan; so it was way more strict than Marrakesh, and the food choices were definitely limited. No alcohol,
    no shisha, and no turn up, so if you are going during this time bring your own or consider it a much needed detox. If you’re not familiar with Arabic or French you can get away with speaking Spanish; but I suggest learning the basics before visiting. It got us a long way especially when negotiating.

    Taxing around the city: roughly 20 mad ($2 usd)
    I would recommend Chefchaouen for a baecaetion since there’s not much of a nightlife and gives off a more romantic ambiance.

    On that note Au revoir!

  4. author
    06 Jul 2019
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    The Blue city has so much rich culture and history. We had a wonderful tour guide who showed us all around on a walking tour. We seen many special nooks and crannies of Chefchaouen that was beautiful to see. The night life really isn’t popping because it is a conservative city. but it is well worth the trip.

  5. author
    03 Jun 2019
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    Just walking around was my favorite part. There is so much to see and you get lost in the streets. One of my favorite cities of all time! I didn’t have any issues there and everyone treated me like family. The food was so good too!

  6. author
    14 Apr 2019
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    I used intrepid travel to maneuver from city to city. Walking around the blue city is amazing there is a photo OP at every turn. This is one of my favorite cities.
    For accomadations, I stayed at Puerta Azul.

  7. author
    14 Jan 2019
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    Traveling While Black

    I enjoyed Morocco because of the Blue City. The Blue City is an amazing place because of the views and culture that the city provides. They sold many orginal spices and clothing around Chefchaouen. I also rode on a camel on the beach in Tangier while I was there, which really made my journey memorable. In addition, I saw the Caves of Hercules with my travel group in Tangier. I didn’t spend too much time in Tangier, but the city was very affordable and exciting to visit.

  8. Sunkissed
    09 Dec 2018
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    Traveling While Black

    If you’re visiting Morocco you definitely have to make your way to Chefcaouen aka the blue city! We drove from Fez to Chefcaouen which was about 3 hrs one way and ate at a nice restaurant called Riad Hicham, I think. After, we did some shopping ( you have to use your negotiation skills ) and of course took tons of pictures. Lovely memories with friends.

  9. author
    Bespoke Leather Couture
    13 Nov 2018
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    I stayed in a Riad and it’s on the famous that everyone takes pictures on. It’s called Dar Aldea the owners of this Riad was very helpful with everything that you could need and his wife makes the best green tea. And location wise it is very convenient to all of the shops because you are on one of the main roads

  10. Shirus_story
    17 Oct 2018
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    I loved Chefchaouen. It’s the type of city you go to for the photos and also for the history. I loved hearing the history behind the blue pearl of Morocco, walking in the narrow streets and talking to locals here and there. After Fes and on our way to Marrakesh I knew that this would be a great balance. Fes and Marrakesh are super busy and there is a lot going on in the main city being able to walk leisurely in Chefchaouen was a bonus. I would recommend a night here or a day trip on your way to one of the bigger cities. People are super friendly here and you can have great meals here.
    Also price wise get your shopping done here. Fes and Marrakesh are more expensive than this smaller city.

  11. lilay8
    06 Aug 2018
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    Traveling While Black

    CHEFCHAOUEN, The Blue Pearl, is a gem in Morocco. Nested in the mountain it is about a 2 hour ride from Tangier. The city is very laid back, it’s a good place to buy souvenir especially the shawls they are way cheaper than in Marrakech
    When visiting Morocco, it’s imperative to visit that city. We stayed at Hotel Parador and I must say it was close to everything. The city is not too big so we walked around and took pictures by different beautiful Blue doors. We had lunch at Riad Hicham and they have the BEST chicken Tajine. You absolutely have to try their Tajine, to me it’s the best in Morocco!

    To conclude Chefchaouen is just Unique and Beautiful.
    Just go see for yourself.

  12. @D_A_MDane
    06 Mar 2018
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    Traveling While Black

    By far one of the most memorable trips I have ever experienced to date. Chefchaouen is one of the most beautiful and unique places I ever been…something out of a movie. We stayed near by the center of the blue city in a local hotel called Hotel Casa Miguel. Hotels and food are fairly cheap. Souvenirs are very cheap and the street vendors will bargain with you. Once you are in the city of Chefchaouen you can walk around and the blue painted walls are everywhere. Definitely recommended at least one time in your life.

  13. NickHam
    23 Dec 2017
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    Traveling While Black

    The beautiful Blue City! There is no city like this in the world. It is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. From the blue-painted alleys to the food to the call to prayer to the surrounding mountains, everything here is a wonder to look at.

    I want to specifically call out one of the best meals EVER. It was found within an alley where you’d least expect but it was delicious. Restaurant Beldi Bab Ssour was amazing. If I could eat it every day I would. If you find yourself in Chefchaouen, go there.

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