Read travel tips for Nice, France from our amazing community of BLACK AND BROWN TRAVELERS that will help you find some of the best places to visit Nice, France. Our variety of travel tips will definitely help you plan your next trip. Our tips range from best places to visit in Nice, France, affordability, nightlife, local food, where to stay and even what it is like Traveling While Black. Lastly, we are working diligently to create a comprehensive city guide for Nice Tours . Stay tuned! But in the meantime, scroll down to read tips below!
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These France was the perfect biking city. This was part of a Mediterranean cruise. I rented a bike and rode around the city before my excursion started. I wrote around there were markets everywhere. I wish I had had more time to stop at the markets. it was just fun to see the city for what it was to ride by the Ritz Carlton in the Monte Carlo. There is a beach. I spent a minimal time on the beach because I took the perfume tour where you learn how perfume is made, and that was also really cool. I would go back again and make sure I had enough time to spend in that market. I wish I could’ve bought some spices or some clothing there.
Nice, on the edge of the côté d’azur, is the more liberal/gay friendly and I’m assuming diverse than the towns further along like Menton and Monaco. That being said, I didn’t see very many black people nor did I feel like it was very diverse. While I never felt unsafe, the raised prices of everything did feel like it was meant to cater to a certain type of traveler. A friend I was traveling with had a negative experience because of her ethnicity (mixed with black) while traveling with our white friend. She was obviously sat in the back of a restaurant in Menton away from everyone else and then she was borderline assaulted on the train back to Nice by a police officer. (Luckily I wasn’t on the train with her.) Based off of her experience and the lack of diversity, I have no to desire to return nor do I recommend it.
South of France is a whole VIBE! If you’re looking to just get away for a while to a hassle free place, this is it! There are sooooo many beachfront restaurants and bars that offer beach beds and umbrellas. You can choose to go to Nice, Cannes, or Monte-Carlo, which are all within 30 mins of each other on the train. The drinks are bed rentals and drinks are a bit pricey, but it is well worth it if you want to relax on the beach alllll day. I loved this place and I’m definitely going back.
Headed back to Nice to hang out and chill. Saturday morning popped down to a beach club called Lido Plage. Now, these places cater to temporary beach visitors. Rented a lounge chair, umbrella and table for a set cost. And you had to eat and drink from their restaurant. I thought overall the price was appropriate and was well worth not having to buy/bring your own items. And nice to have service on the beach. Relaxed and got a good tan most of the day here. Headed out the afternoon and evening for some libations and a food. Enjoyed oysters shucked by a world champion shucker. Who knew that was a thing? He was super cool and that was his only job to shuck. If no one was ordering them at the time, he was chilling. He did yell at me about putting tabasco on the oysters as he felt they were in good shape to be eaten as is. I mean he was right but I also like spicy so I snuck it on them anyways! hehehe. Lastly since I gave him a Roxy smile and a bit of flirt, he shucked an oyster behind his back for me and then basically attempted to feed it to me! Doing way too much! I know…but makes the blog fun! Such a good time. Headed out on an early Sunday morning for a flight back home to Germany! PSA: Plane etiquette: I can teach a class. If you are in the middle seat, do not attempt to stretch out all over the other seats. smh! make better life choices, check in early and pay for the seat reservation so you can have what you want and sit with who you want! I really loved this location. I am looking forward to getting back here. All the views, food, beaches and fancy things make me happy. In a conversation with my bestie today, we discussed life, goals, dreams and passions. Travel is my passion for sure and I will continue to see and experience everything this world has to offer me. I am grateful for these opportunities. We also discussed the fearless part of me that will go places (all safe locations) alone. She said in church today the message was just that about life and your journey and how you can’t and shouldn’t wait for others, they have their own journeys to tend to. So thank you for reading and coming on this journey with me! Until the next adventure… #carmensandiegowho #dirtypassport #travel #blessedbeyondmeasure
It’s really easy to find a good flat for a good price.
We rented a cute apartment « Le Campus » with Booking.com and we paid 168€ (~173$) for 4 days.
I experienced my first European adventure while vacationing in Nice. During my visit, I took a 30 minute taxi ride to the Monaco Heliport (https://m.viator.com/tours/Monaco/French-Riviera-Scenic-Helicopter-Tour-from-Monaco/d948-5581HELICOPTER1#) and experienced the gorgeous coastline from a bird’s eye view. The 10-minute helicopter ride is 278 euros (314 fees incl.) or $352 US for two people.
I went to the market in Nice (Vieux Nice) and the fruits and vegetables that the natives harvested has been one of the freshest and most delicious I have ever tasted. Strawberries, fresh cheeses with incrusted olives, quiche stuffed with blue cheese were some of my favorites.
I also spent a whole day just relaxing at the beach and it was called: Ponchettes Beach. CARRY SHOES/ SNEAKERS those rocks are no game.
Try to talk French to natives to get better assistance.
Omg, Nice, France is absolutely gorgeous! After visiting Paris, I stopped in Nice, France for 3 days and I loved every minute. My hotel “Hyatt” was right off the beach and had the most beautiful view of the ocean from my balcony. There was no need to Uber because there are hundreds of restaurants all over the city and the shopping mall was walking distance. I would recommend bike rentals instead of driving. There is so much beauty to indulge. I had the best tuna pizza – Yum! All the restaurants have a wide range of dishes to choose from – huge menus. There are even restaurants that serve you on the beach which I thought was amazing. Nice, France is not as busy and Paris. In my experience it’s more for relaxation or couples get away. The food was better than Paris and the people were more friendly. Most people spoke English. I can’t wait to go back!
Words cannot describe how beautiful Nice is but my favorite party about this city is that it is affordable. It’s just a short bus from the airport for a few euro. There are tons of cafes across from the sea that are cheap. I had brunch (including a couple glasses of wine) for about $15. There are also the fancy beach side restaurants on the shoreline if you are interested and the city is easy to navigate. Luckily I went early June so it wasn’t too crowded but I’ve been told that Nice can get crowded late June and onwards.