Wadi Rum, Jordan

 out of 2  reviews
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Traveling While Black


Read travel tips for Wadi Rum from our amazing community of BLACK AND BROWN TRAVELERS that will help you find some of the best places to visit in Wadi Rum.Our variety of travel tips will definitely help you plan your next trip. Our tips range from best places to visit in Wadi Rum, affordability, nightlife, local food, where to stay and even what it is like Traveling While Black. Lastly, we are working diligently to create a comprehensive city guide for Wadi Rum. Stay tuned! But in the meantime, scroll down to read tips below!


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a) Havana, Cuba (Members Only)
b) Venice, Italy
c) Bali, Indonesia (Members Only)
d) Johannesburg, South Africa
e) Sydney, Australia
f) Cartagena,Colombia (Members Only)
g) Dutchess County New York (Beacon/Poughkeepsie)



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 out of 2 reviews
Things To Do
Local Food
Traveling While Black

2 Reviews

  1. guygarb
    28 Aug 2019
    Things To Do
    Local Food
    Traveling While Black

    By far my favorite trip to date has been the one I took to the Middle East with a group of friends. I don’t think I’ve laughed so much at so many random incidences on any other trip. Although we went in with a game plan, most of that fell to wayside and we just adjusted and rode the wave of excitement we were having while there. From start to finish we laughed until we cried and our stomach hurt.

    One standout experience is one that my friends and I call the “donkey bandit” incident while my friends and I were in Petra, Jordan. We had just entered the city site and were taking in all the spectacular views when a group of 4 Bedouin men came up to us while riding donkeys and playing trap music. The guys started talking to us and asking some questions and we were all enjoying it. By some random chance one of my friends started getting an attitude with them and the fun conversation went left really quick. Without repeating some of the things that were said between my friend and the guys; my other friends and I were just too stunned to jump in. It was surprising because this was completely opposite to the experience we had in Jordan up until that point where the people we were interacting with so laid back and warm. Now after this incident we thought it was done and we continued into the city to explore. Another friend and I decided to let the rest of our group explore while we sat down under a tree and waited in the shade. Shortly after we sat down we noticed the same group of donkey bandits blazing into the direction of our friends and we asked each other “Do you think they are going to look for them?” To sum up; the “donkey bandits” did go make more of a scene with our friends and the experience has become a running joke that we bring up often.

    I still remember chasing the sunset in Wadi Rum. Thats how I was able to get that picture. We were all climbing a rock formation when the tour guide told us that he knew a spot for an amazing sunset. That day in Wadi Rum we had already explored so much, ridden camels, ate in the desert under the shade of a rock with a local, met other tourist and hiked up the sand dunes and ran down the hill full speed, saw where they filmed many desert themed earth and intergalactic movies. Wadi Rum is a very special place. The tour guide we had booked for our entire trip and split the cost between the four of us so it worked out to about $200 each for 6 days which I think was reasonable for the experience we had. We also stayed in a local hotel in Amman for about $350 per person for the length of our stay.

    I think for me the most important travel tip is to learn to become a master at packing light and traveling with the essentials only, if you need it while you’re abroad you can always buy it. Because I’m always eager to start my trip and skip any lines, travelling with only a carryon is key to starting any adventure that much sooner rather than waiting and wasting time for the luggage carousel

    I would love to return to Madaba and Wadi Rum, Jordan. I don’t think I’ve met a more friendly and welcoming group of locals yet. I felt like I was just meant to be there. The people there welcomed my friends and I into their homes, offered us gifts and treats having only known us for a few hours. And our tour guide was so good we all still talk to him regularly and he’s very much now a part of our international family. The sunrises there and the overall laid-back experience really made me appreciate a slower pace of life that wasn’t filled with the glamor and excess of North America and it just really makes me feel at ease being there. Can’t wait to go back!!!

  2. author
    20 Jun 2019
    Things To Do
    Local Food
    Traveling While Black

    After a long day at Petra we stoped at Bait Ali Camp for the night located in Wadi Rum. This was more like a glampsite as the rooms were comfortably built and designated to each pair of tourists. The following morning we explored Wadi Rum the most beautiful dessert I have ever seen. The sand was a beautiful Red and like Petra, some amazing rock formations.
    It’s a world away from the world filled with mystery and fascination. I totally recommend it on a visit to Jordan ??